Now a-days, people view chivalry as: a man opening the car door, holding open a door, letting the woman walk in front, carrying a girl's books, ect.
But chivalry is more than that... according to the "Code of Chivalry," it is: speaking the truth, when you were tempted to tell a lie; helping another when you were tempted to disregard them; giving something to those in need, when you were tempted to leave them sitting on the street; and keeping quiet when you were tempted to brag.
But chivalry is more than that... according to the "Code of Chivalry," it is: speaking the truth, when you were tempted to tell a lie; helping another when you were tempted to disregard them; giving something to those in need, when you were tempted to leave them sitting on the street; and keeping quiet when you were tempted to brag.
Chivalry is important, whether it is a guy opening a door for a lady, or telling the truth instead of a lie. I do not believe that chivalry is completely dead. It may be dead in many people, but there are people out there who continue to embrace chivalry.
Although it is important that both men and women strive to be chivalrous, I believe it is important for the ladies to take the spotlight off the men and stop nagging them about being chivalrous.
It seems that women, wanting to do everything themselves, are the ones who have put a choke hold on chivalry...and to be quite honest, if chivalry was dead, I feel as if it would be the women's fault.
So ladies, if you want men to open doors for you, or carry your books, let them... It will make them feel as if they helped you out (even if you didn't want it), and cause them to try to be more chivalrous...which is the ultimate goal. chivalrous and share this post with your friends...
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Lol! That is good. Totally true