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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Pros and Cons Of Smiling

- You can make others smile (smiles are contagious)

- You will be more likeable
- If you are lost in the dark, you can be a superhero, and guide the way with your shining smile

- You can make your sibling mad by smiling suspiciously and not telling them why
- By smiling, you will be a happier person
- Smiling makes you more attractive 

- Smiling will make you look younger and lift your face
- Smiling lowers your blood pressure
- Smiling is a stress reliever


- If you have a smile like this:


  1. i did it for you... haha... now you have an idea for your paper :)

  2. This is absolutely hilarious! And so true!! XD Lol
