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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Johnny Rockets!

The story: Amanda, Bethany, Christina, Amy and the two "Rachel's" from Canada are at Laguna beach. After awhile, everyone starts to get hungry so we decide to go and get some caramel apples. We walk into the caramel apple store and buy two apple pie apples... yum! As we walk out of the store Amy says in a loud voice right in front of the worker, "Oh, I think the ones we made at home were better..." Everyone looked at her and she ran out of the store laughing... :)

Unfortunately, the caramel apples were not enough, so the group of six headed on toward the restaurant Johnny Rockets.While we were waiting for our order, Amy got thirsty so she said to the waitress in a somewhat rude tone, "Can you get us some water?" (<3 u Amy :-P ) the waitress came with our water. Later on, Christina, in the nicest way, said, "Would you please get us some water?"... The waitress came but unfortunately, she was carrying too much and one of the glasses spilled all over the table, immediately, Amy and Christina burst out into laughter.... (I think we were slap happy) and Amanda and Bethany said, "Girls, don't laugh, that's not nice." But we continued to laugh... in an effort to make the waitress feel better Amanda said, "Oh, it's OK the table was dirty anyways!" This made everyone laugh.... and because we were laughing so hard, Amy and I spilled two more glasses of water on the table.

After we were finished with our dinner, and disrupting the entire restaurant, we got up to leave. Because Johnny Rockets was closed, the door was locked.... Rachel: "Are we allowed to get out of here?" Du we are!