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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Things I'm Thankful For Thursday

- Laughter
- My best friend
- Valentine's Chocolate
- Babies that take their naps
- Sleeping in a warm bed
- Showers
- Productivity
- Daydreaming
- Good headphones
- This picture

Friday, February 10, 2012

Things I'm Thankful For Thursday (On Friday)

- Valentine's chocolate
- My phone
- Good inspiration and motivation to do my homework and projects
- Finishing one of my midterms
- New, improved, and better medical care
- Beautiful sun-shiny days in February
- Cheerful people
- A good tutor (my mom)
- Payday
- This photo:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

February - A True Inspiration

"God has a special plan for each person, He has a special plan for your life. God has a poem written out for you and written out for me. And it's our job, and it should be our goal to follow that poem and to follow that plan for our life, because regardless whether you think it or not, that's the best to live, because that's where you will find true satisfaction, and a life of significance... when you're following God's plan for your life... at the end of the day, that is what will be truly satisfying and what is true fulfillment in your life...I don't know what my future holds, but I know who holds my future"
-Tim Tebow-


Friday, February 3, 2012

Things I'm Thankful For Thursday

- God always being by my side when I need Him
- Doritos
- Anna (Happy 10th Birthday!)
- Michael (Happy 16th Birthday!)
- Good hygiene
- Cellos
- Tears
- A wonderful church family
- Being able to direct the kids choir at church
- This song, and the amazing talent of the singer:

Ps. I admit that I posted this on Friday