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Friday, July 12, 2013

Best Babysitter Ever! Part 1

At this point in my life, I feel as if I am the BEST BABYSITTER EVER! Check out what happened on Wednesday.

So, my sister works at a lawyer's office as a secretary, and one of the ladies that works there needed a babysitter. For the past 6 months or so, I have been babysitting for this sweet lady and her lawyer husband. They have a four year-old daughter who is cute as can be, and usually is pretty well-behaved. There is also the family dog (medium sized), who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Usually when I babysit for this family, the mom leaves us some money, and after playing at the house all morning, we take a lunchtime stroll down to the nearest plaza, buy some pizza and ice cream for lunch, and then return home for a nap.

This time, as usual, we planned to take our walk to get some pizza and ice cream, but Allyse (we'll call her that for privacy reasons) decided that she wanted to stay home instead.

No problem, pizza delivers to the house...so we ordered our pizza to be brought to the house, and when it got there, we ate half of it. The other half we left on the table top to cool down while we walked to get ice cream (because ice cream is apparently worth the walk, and pizza isn't).

After walking to Yogurtland, we returned home to find that the dog had gotten onto the table, knocked the rest of the pizza on the floor, and ate it. Like I mentioned earlier, this dog wouldn't hurt a fly, but apparently she likes to hurt pizzas.

After a half-hour or so, it was time for nap/quiet time. Allyse went to her room, I closed the door and all was well. Of course, during quiet time it is essential to go to the restroom 5 times per hour and get a couple drinks too. (that was sarcasm, for those of you out there who do not...nevermind)

Anyways, finally, Allyse REALLY had to go to the restroom, and so I let her. About 10 minutes later, I heard a little voice coming from the bathroom.

"I think the toilet is overflowing"
"I put too much paper"

...Sure enough, I go into the bathroom, and the toilet has a plenteous amount of toilet paper in it, and is on the verge of overflowing.

After sending Allyse back to her room, I proceeded to get the plunger and after 30 minutes of plunging, the toilet decides it is not going to play anymore games, and decides to overflow across the whole bathroom floor. I guess the plunger wasn't very good at it's job.

Frusterated, I decided to leave the toilet alone, and rest on the couch for awhile while Allyse finished her naptime. After naptime, I decided to give the toilet plunging another whirl...this time, I have Allyse on the floor peering between my legs as I spend another 40 minutes trying to plunge the toilet.

*giggle giggle...*rolling on the floor (quite literally) laughing... "hahahaha Christina, maybe we should call the PLUMBER!"

..."yea, no kidding" (I never did get the toilet unplugged, they really had to call the plumber)


so we decided to leave the toilet alone, cleaned up our mess, and decided to read some books and play around the house.

The entire house is surrounded by either neighbor's walls or a fence in the front, so it is very safe for Allyse to play and run around the whole house without a ton of supervision (a check up every 5-10 minutes is quite adequate)

Well, after cleaning up a little bit around the house, I decided to go find Allyse outside and make sure she wasn't getting into any trouble.

I walk out the front door, and what do I see?

That's right: child and dog, nose to nose, child on hands and knees, drinking out of the dog's outdoor water bowl... gross. She also proceeded to "kiss" the dog (when the dog licks the inside of her mouth)

After the bout of reprimandation (I made that word up... in other words: I gave her a nice lecture on germs and the grossness of dogs mouths), Allyse was brought inside...because she didn't need to get into any more trouble.

...Later on, she decided to chew on some chap stick. (because who wouldn't want to eat that smell-good white candy in the pink strawberry tube)

I don't know how else to end this story, so this is it. Hope everyone is having a great summer!


  1. Lol, that sounds like a really challenging day! =)

  2. :) it was VERY exciting... I think I just like to dramatize things more than they really are... haha

    1. Haha! Well, it makes your posts very interesting! ;)
